52 Portraits 23: Rachel Redmond
Rachel is a licensed acupuncturist residing in East Lansing, MI. She reached out to me requesting to be a part of this project, and I feel there is no better way to introduce you to Rachel than by sharing an excerpt of the email she sent me. I was so moved by her courage and I’m hopeful that her words will inspire you to take the time to listen to her story. It contains so much love, so much grief, and ultimately, so much hope.
“I’m reaching out to you now because I'm looking for opportunities to share my story of having a so-called "late term" abortion. I feel a great urgency to keep sharing a perspective on abortion that often goes untold. My pregnancy was planned and the baby was already loved and deeply wanted. I made the heartbreaking decision to abort the pregnancy and live with the grief and the "what ifs" that will likely haunt me for the rest of my life.”
From the podcast:
“I tell my story to make this child’s life matter. To give it purpose and meaning and honor, and for people to know that he was loved even though I made a choice that might to some seem like an awful choice. To me it was based in love.”
Click below to learn more about Rachel!